Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Best Acne Treatment That Works - The System?

Okay, I've suggested a website for the best acne treatment that works in the last post. Then, it is always a good idea to know who's behind these acne remedies (the owner of that website).


Who is he? and Why should you listen to him?

Mike WaldenHis name is Mike Walden. He's 33.
He's involved in the alternative health industry as a medical researcher, health consultant, certified nutritionist and freelance writer for almost 14 years. He also wrote and co-authored many bestselling alternative health books and dozens of articles. Holistic health is his life. It's all he's ever done.
He's also an ex-sufferer of acne. From age 13 he's been suffering from severe form of acne vulgaris. He used to have large cysts on his cheeks, on chin line and on his back and shoulders. His nose and foreheads were oily constantly and covered with red spots. It wasn't pretty. He later suffered more than 13 miserable years from acne. People called him names. He was secluded, shameful, embarrassed, insecure and feels guilty for who he was.
Then he started off his path in alternative health section until now looking for acne treatment that works.
This story also motivates him to this day. He studied dermatology, skin care and nutrition at age 22. He reads all kinds of related books, interviewed countless acne sufferers and picked brains of every doctor, herbalist, homeopath and naturopath...all for the sake of finding a solid solutions for acne. After suffering a long frustrating road and through a long process of trial, error and experimentation in the last 7 years Mike tested the system many times before it became complete. Right now, it's finally here in the form of an online book (ebook). You can print out for proof reading if it suits you. In it, he develops a 100%-guarantee healing system with a group of experts that can cure your acne and other skin related problems caused by acne. Many people who tried out have returned to thank him at his website as an appreciation to his acne treatments and his tiny book.
This is just a recap of Mike's background. The next post will have a youtube video on Acne No More preview, and the final post will be about the complete uncensored review of Mike's system and why you should use it. What really is the secrets, tips and tools that cure and prevent acne forever? Is it the acne treatment that works? Stay tune for the review post about secrets of acne solutions!

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